COPD For Primary Care

Courses that PCRTC offer.


COPD For Primary Care

The COPD for Primary Care Course will help you to gain a solid understanding of the diagnosis, assessment, and management of COPD.

You will gain an understanding of the critical importance of accurate clinical history taking and will learn how to differentiate Asthma from COPD and then carry out a detailed COPD patient review.

You will learn how to analyse data collected at review in such a way as to define current level of disease control and predict the future risk of adverse outcomes.

You will gain an understanding of national and international COPD guideline recommendations and will recognise potential barriers to the successful implementation of these guidelines.

You will be able to construct and implement a COPD Self-Management Plan.

You will gain a solid understanding around the environmental impact of inhaler devices and will be able to evaluate inhaler technique, recognise ineffective techniques and match the patient to the device with the lowest carbon footprint that he/she can use effectively and without critical error.

This course is worth 12 hours CPD.


Interested In This Course?

If you’re interested in this course please get in touch with us and we will be happy to assist.